Coping Skills During Coronavirus

I think of all the ways I can do better at maintaining healthy habits during these trying times. With all this time on my side, what a golden opportunity, I tell myself.  I should be leading by example – I’m a health & wellness coach after all!  Eating healthy, home-cooked meals, getting regular sleep, mindfulness practice, and regular exercise – to name a few. 

I don’t know about you, but my days are filled with an array of emotions.  This extra time is creating space for some of my old wounds and traumas to surface – ready for a deeper layer of healing.  The fear, anger, and insecurities coming up from the current pandemic is difficult enough, and yet magnified tenfold with the added bonus of the part hurts.  

BUT I have a choice, to notice and accept these emotions as valid, and to remind myself things are different this time.  I am safe in this very moment.

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space.  In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and freedom.”  Viktor Frankl

I had the realization that our minds and thoughts also need to be tended to during this time.  What are we telling ourselves about our reaction to this pandemic and underlying fear?  Are we pushing ourselves to do more, be better, stay focused, create healthy habits and get everything done on the task list?  Are we down on ourselves for our lack of motivation?

What if we were to give ourselves some empathy and compassion during this time?  What if we were to accept that these are trying times and that the mind will not be as sharp as it might be under “normal” circumstances.  Cracking an egg into the compost bin rather than into the mixing bowl this morning, is one example.  Rather than get upset at myself, I smiled and recognized that my mind is preoccupied at the moment.  This is my new “normal,” and it is ok

We often give grace to our loved ones but hold back on ourselves.  So, I ask: how might you be kinder to your self during these times?  How might you be gentler, more compassionate, and more forgiving of yourself?  How might you create new thought habits that could lead to a healthier lifestyle now – that you can carry into the future, long after our quarantined lifestyle becomes just a memory? 

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Marta

    I love this. It’s such a good reminder to cultivate and practice kindness and compassion towards yourself. Thank you for this!

    1. Solange Bluethner

      I’m so glad it resonated with you!

  2. Briana

    I love the invitation to just “be”, which I believe we need more of regardless of a pandemic, and especially now. Thank you so much for this reminder!

  3. Aaron

    Great post! I will remind myself of this as I got through my day for sure!

  4. Diane

    What a beautiful way to be reminded that it’s ok not to be doing and allow ourselves to BE in what ever is showing up for us through this difficult time. A great time to practice self compassion.

  5. Elsa

    Man… I put the entire egg carton of uncracked eggs in my compost! No frittata for me today. And I’m ok with that. I’m ok with me. I’m ok with the precious quiet isolation. In fact I’m enjoying hanging out with me and finding out who I am. Your words are a gentle reminder we need to treat ourselves as we would treat others and our precious family and friends.

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